Argentina | Qatar | Switzerland | |||||
Australia | Kenya | Singapore ** | |||||
Bahrain | Kuwait | Slovakia | |||||
Belgium | Leyland | Slovenia | |||||
Brazil | Lebanon | Spain | |||||
Chile | Liechtenstein | South-Africa | |||||
China | Lithuania | Syria | |||||
Germany | Malta | Taiwan ** | |||||
Denmark | Mexico | Thailand ** | |||||
El Salvador | New Zealand | Czech Republic | |||||
Estonia | Nicaragua | Hungary | |||||
Finland | Netherlands | United Arabian Emirates | |||||
France | Norway | USA* | |||||
Great Britain | Oman | Cyprus (greek part) | |||||
Guatemala | Austria | ||||||
Honduras | Peru | We can apply for an approval for the | |||||
Italy | Poland | following country: | |||||
Ireland * | Portugal | ||||||
Israel | Saudi Arabia | Canada | |||||
Jordan | Sweden | ||||||
* special frequency required, ** partly, in touch with authority |