Potsdamer Feuerwerk GmbH

About us


Our premises – in this building we plan your show.

Potsdamer Feuerwerk Vertriebs GmbH was founded in 1990 and quickly grew into one of the largest providers of pyrotechnics in Germany. Core of our business is the design, planning, and realization of high altitude, baroque, indoor and stage fireworks as well as pyrotechnical special effects and stunning laser shows.

We consult with our clients and help you plan and realize your event with competence and professionalism. Apart from the creation and implementation of firework, laser and multi-media shows, the sale and distribution of pyrotechnics and laser equipment is another aspect of our business activities. This includes special pyrotechnical effects for any type of fireworks display, an extensive range of laser technology, the specific equipment required for your show and any devices or materials needed for the special effects.


Björn Wilhelm
Managing Director